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Psychology-informed Yoga Workshop at Lotus Loft Studio in Exeter


3-hour yoga workshop integrated with evidence-based psychological theory and skills.

Open to all, no experience of yoga is needed to benefit from this workshop.



This integrative psychology-informed yoga workshop includes practices to help us soften the inner critic, boost our compassionate self, and show ourselves the kindness that we all deserve.


An internal narrative is a part of being human – that voice or commentary inside our minds that talks about what we are doing, what we have done, or plan to do. Sometimes this narrative can be motivating and pleasant, and at other times the perceptions we have of ourselves, and our capabilities is critical, harsh, or judgemental. This self-criticism can become pervasive and create physiological and psychological patterns that keep us caught up in believing that we are "not good enough". In this workshop you will be invited to turn your awareness inwards to learn how to become more aware of the patterns that are less helpful to you. Through this self-awareness, you will be supported to find ways to develop new patterns and self-regulation skills motivated by compassion, understanding, and self-care.



The workshop has its foundations in compassion-focused therapy approaches, vinyasa yoga, and yin yoga. It will include clinical psychology theory and information sharing blended with psychology-informed yoga self-study (individual reflective exercises) and traditional yoga practices including asana (body work), pranayama (breath-work), meditation, and guided relaxation to help us cultivate our compassionate minds and build psychological resilience.



Advanced booking online is required. The cost of the workshop is £35.



Psychology-informed Yoga Workshop at Lotus Loft Studio in Exeter


3-hour yoga workshop integrated with evidence-based psychological theory and skills.

Open to all, no experience of yoga is needed to benefit from this workshop.



This integrative workshop includes practices to help us move from stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed to functioning healthily, feeling calmer, and living life more fully.


Stress and anxiety are a part of our human existence – we all go through these experiences at different times in our lives. Sometimes we are able to cope with anxiety relatively well, whereas at other times we might be depleted by it. Anxiety and stress affects our body, mind, and breath, and over time patterns develop that keep us trapped in the anxiety spiral. In this workshop you will learn more about anxiety to understand the less helpful patterns that might be present for you, and be offered space to experience skills and techniques that support healthy regulation of anxiety to help you flourish.



The workshop has its foundations in Yoga CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and will include psychological theory and techniques blended with traditional yoga practices such as bodywork, movement and stretching, breath-work, meditation, and guided relaxation to help us more effectively manage stress and build psychological resilience.



Advanced booking online is required. The cost of the workshop is £35.



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